Sarah Hammond, a queer artist hailing from the small-town landscapes of Oklahoma, embarks on a compelling artistic journey that seamlessly blends tradition with innovation. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Art and Technology at the University of Oklahoma, Hammond is carving a niche at the intersection of printmaking and digital manipulation.
In 2021, Hammond graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Rogers State University, a pivotal milestone in her artistic evolution. Born and raised in the heart of rural Oklahoma, she draws inspiration from the landscapes, stories, and nuances that characterize her hometown. The dichotomy of her identity as both a queer individual and a product of her small-town environment infuses her work with a unique perspective that challenges stereotypes and sparks conversations about acceptance and representation.
Printmaking serves as the cornerstone of Hammond's artistic expression, a medium through which she meticulously explores the thoughts and experiences of queer individuals in the South and Midwest. Her prints, laden with symbolism and detail, become a testament to the resilience and diversity within these communities, forging connections between the personal and the collective.
Currently immersed in the vibrant and evolving realm of Art and Technology, Hammond is expanding her artistic repertoire by experimenting with digital manipulation. The fusion of traditional printmaking techniques and cutting-edge digital tools allows her to push the boundaries of her creativity, opening new avenues for exploration and self-expression.
As she navigates the academic landscape of the University of Oklahoma, Hammond remains dedicated to creating art that not only reflects her narrative but also serves as a conduit for broader conversations on identity, technology, and the evolving landscape of contemporary art.